Amrita Aromatherapy Ylang Ylang3, Superior Organic Essential Oil 10 mL


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sub Category:
Essential Oils
Type of delivery:
Essential Oil
Ingredient 1:
Essential Oil Ylang Ylang

Product Overview

Amritas Ylang Ylang 3 Superior Essential Oil has a sweet, heady, flowery scent. Pronounced Eee-lang Eee-lang, this euphoric oil is distilled from the flowers of a tree native to southeast Asia.

This uplifting and soothing oil can help treat depression, rapid breathing and heartbeat, high blood pressure and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

Nervous system: Lifts anxiety and depression, reduces anger and tension and stabilizes mood swings. Ylang Ylang is also used as an aphrodisiac.

Skin care: Relieves skin inflammation, bug bites, acne, oily skin and alopecia (hair loss).

Circulatory system: Useful in lowering blood pressure and easing muscle spasms and tense muscles.

Genito-urinary system: Relieves PMS and menopausal symptoms

Energy system: Useful in balancing the sacral and solar plexus chakras

Qualities: Sensual, relaxing, uplifting.

How to Use:

Safety Precautions
Ylang Ylang 3 Superior is nontoxic and non-irritant, with possible sensitization. Use in moderation. Excessive use could cause headaches and nausea.


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