Dr. Recommends Gluco I 1 oz


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Type of delivery:
Ingredient 1:
Lycopodium Clavatum
Ingredient 2:
Selenium Metallicum
Ingredient 3:
Zincum Metallicum

Product Overview

***Note: Mediral manufactures, both, Mediral and Dr. Recommends product lines. They are now labeling all Mediral products as Dr. Recommends. Items formerly labeled "Mediral" will now be called "Dr. Recommends".
SAME INGREDIENTS, just an updated label.

Ingredients: Contains 16% USP Alcohol.

Lycopodium clavatum
Selenium Metallicum
Zincum Metallicum
Sulphur, Chromium
Alumen 6x
Sarcodes: Hypothalamus, Posterior Pituitary, Islets of Langerhans, Kidney Medulla, Pancreas 6x, 12x, 30x, 60x, 100x.
Argentum Metallicum
Bismuthum Metallicum
Barium 12x.
DNA Insulin 12x, 60x, 100x, 1000x.
Gelsemium sempervirens
Iodium, Plumbum Metallicum 20x.
Phosphoricum Acidum 30x.
Radium Bromatum, ATPase, Antidiuretic Hormone 60x.
Glucose, Glycogen 1000x, 10000x.
In a tincture of purified water and non-allergenic USP alcohol.


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