Product Overview
***Note: Mediral manufactures, both, Mediral and Dr. Recommends product lines. They are now labeling all Mediral products as Dr. Recommends. Items formerly labeled "Mediral" will now be called "Dr. Recommends".
SAME INGREDIENTS, just an updated label.
Ingredients: Contains 16% USP Alcohol.
Naja tripudians 5x, 12x, 30x.
Zincum Metallicum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Sulphur, Antimonium 6x, 12x, 30x, 60x, 100x.
Bovine Glandulars 6x, 16x.
Viscum album 6x, 12x, 100x.
Cuprum Metallicum, Arsenicum Metallicum 8x, 12x, 30x.
Interferon: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Interleuken: I, II, III 12x, 24x, 30x.
Taxus baccata 12x 30x.
Carcinum 12x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1000x.
In a tincture of purified water and non-allergenic alcohol.