Amrita Aromatherapy Lavender Cinnamon Organic Perfume 5 ml


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sub Category:
Essential Oils
Type of delivery:
Essential Oil
Ingredient 1:
Essential Oil Lavender
Ingredient 2:
Essential Oil Ylang Ylang
Ingredient 3:
Essential Oil Cinnamon

Product Overview

Certified Organic Lavender-Cinnamon Perfume is a sensual blend that inspires love in both men and women. It contains an irresistible mix of essential oils with qualities that interact in a dynamic way to support romance.

The relaxing and stress-relieving effects of Lavender are touted to clich?? proportions as an enormous range of self-care products from bubble baths and sachets to eye pillows are saturated with the fragrance and usually the word calming, but Lavender is not just for relaxing.

Its psychological effects go far beyond calming. Lavender induces bravery, comfort in oneself and the confidence to be honest, open and expressive. Lavender eases inhibition, shyness and nervous anxiety. People who are normally socially awkward and anxious may surprise themselves when their behavior or words begin to flow forth naturally without fear.

The relief that Lavender brings from suppressed ideas enhances sociability and makes a person more approachable and comfortable meeting new people. According to Fischer-Rizzi, Lavender helps undo negative self talk and balances extreme mood swings. Lavender creates balance between mind and emotions.

It gives you inner stability and the comfort to just be yourself; not who you think you need to become to impress someone else. The calm and easy self-expression of feelings that Lavender provides is so important in developing romantic relationships. As Lavender supports equanimity and composure, it maintains a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within us all.

The contrast between the hardy flower blossoms of Lavender and the spicy bark of the cinnamon tree produces an indomitable romantic blend. Opposites attract so they say, and this romantic perfume blend is a perfect example.

Lavender has a cool calming effect while Cinnamon is warm and stimulating. They both increase confidence but in different ways. Lavender is cool, composed and poised, while Cinnamon is fired up and ready to go. Lavender in itself soothes anxiety and self-conscious nervousness while cinnamon brings an optimistic, clear-headed and passionate spirit to decisively seize the moment.

Ylang Ylang releases both emotional and sexual inhibitions. It is not only a potent aphrodisiac but also euphoric. Ylang Ylang has an extremely feminine yin energy, although it is suitable for men as well. It can especially help men who need to relax stubborn tensions and develop their softer, gentler, more intuitive side.

According to Fischer-Rizzi, The fragrance stimulates the part of the brain that releases endorphins. It is therefore helpful in reducing pain, as well as in creating euphoric and erotic moods.

With the confident composure of Lavender, the robust warmth of Cinnamon and the uninhibited sensuality of Ylang Ylang, Lavender-Cinnamon Perfume brings out your bold, romantic side. The fragrance beckons you to step into love with confidence, grace and energy. Ideal for a first date or when any anxiety or insecurity around romance arises.

How to Use:
Apply to pulse points, behind ears, behind knee and elbow joints and along frontal line. (The frontal line runs from the heart area upwards and downwards. It extends from the front of the neck to below the abdomen, parallel to the spine.)


Certified Organic Jojoba Oil, Certified Organic Essential Oils of Lavender, Cinnamon and Ylang-Ylang, Vitamin E.

Lavender is considered the mother of essential oils. It is one of the most versatile and best loved.

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices used in the world. It brings vitality and has an unmistakeable sweet spicy scent.

Jojoba oil has a neutral scent and is highly absorbable by the skin, making it the ideal substance when diluting essential oils for topical use. It also prevents rancidity, providing essential oil products a long shelf life.

Vitamin E is a natural preservative, containing antioxidant and skin nourishing properties.


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