
In our work with practitioners and patients, we see more and more microbial pathogens resistant to conventional and natural healing technologies. Silver has a long history in the physician’s pharmacopeia for excellent broad based immune support. The SPECIATION of silver is the most important aspect to consider in selecting a silver product. Only one silver product with its unique SPECIATION and manufacturing process could measure up to our research and requirements for efficacy and safety as a true oligodynamic silver product. In addition, most silvers being sold today are bound to impurities creating heavy silver salts or silver proteins that do not display the characteristics of this highly effective oligodynamic silver
Unfortunately, we found many silver products being sold in plastic containers. Silver products in plastic containers are to be avoided for internal use because silver is highly reactive with plastic polymers and can release phthalates. Please read, Facts About Thermoplastic Elastomer Degradation
Particle size, water purity, electrical charge and particle concentration are very essential and important SPECIATION properties that make the difference between a truly effective or marginally effective product.
Argentyn 23 is a professional silver hydrosol formulation, produced by Natural Immunogenics Corporation. This product is superior to all other silver products available today. The reasons include:
- Extensive research and development by Natural Immunogenics into the relationship of silver to immune function from a clinical perspective.
- Optimization of highly specialized production methods guaranteeing product purity.
- Production of the world’s only true uniform picoscalar, bio-active oligodynamic silver hydrosol.
- The necessary utilization of Transmission Electron Microscopy to insure the optimal production methods and consistent finished product. To date, we know of no other manufacturer utilizing TEM.
Argentyn 23 is a superior product offering practitioners and patients the safety and effectiveness of a supplemental form of silver, yielding many immune enhancing effects. Argentyn 23 is available in topical gel for external uses and a variety of delivery systems for sinus, lung, intestinal and systemic uses.
Our physician education materials further explain the immune enhancing effects as well as the anti-microbial properties of Argentyn 23 and are available upon request only to licensed practitioners. Please free to call 864-408-8320 or e-mail us for more detailed physician information, patient brochures or product samples.
Product Information - Research and White Papers