Innate Response Formulas

Innate Response Formulas
Innate Response foundational multi-vitamin and mineral formulas are exclusively crafted from 100% whole food nutrients and sold exclusively through health care professionals. The vitamins and minerals are not in an isolated state but rather exist within a biodynamic, whole food concentrate.
True Active "FoodState" concentrates not only deliver essential vitamins and minerals but numerous other vital constituents as well, including bioactive peptides, enzymes, food compounds, micro and macronutrients that inherently comprise whole food.
The food constituents delivered with each whole food vitamin and mineral have an irreplaceable function, and as bio-carriers that govern nutrient delivery to the cells. It is the bio-carriers that are considered the intelligence of whole food nutrients, enabling the body to recognize, assimilate, and utilize the nutrients and other vital constituents being delivered.
True Active "FoodState" nutrients, therefore, have a higher rate of utilization and are also retained longer in the body compared to all other forms of nutrients, particularly pure isolated forms.
BioSan Laboratories, Inc., makers of Innate Response Formulas has formulated and manufactured quality dietary supplements from whole foods and botanicals for the natural health industry since 1972.
At BisoSan, superior quality whole foods and botanicals are not simply a product but rather a philosophy; whole food nutrients with superior bioavailability are our goal, not simply ingredients in a formula. Every stage of crafting superior whole food supplements is customized to this end: What mother Nature creates, BioSan delivers.
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